Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5, 2010

Holly is happy to be home from Red Dog, under her chair. When I picked her up they said they had a rough night there last night with all the bombs bursting in air.

After I picked her up I trimmed some bushes, hosed down the patio and put the furniture back in place from the painters, gave Holly a bath in the yard, washed her beds, went to work for a while, stopped at the grocery and then cooked rice and green beans while Woody grilled chicken kabobs. Now, more laundry. Busy day of getting back into the flow.

July 4, 2010

Not very imaginative, but before we bugged out of Loudon I took this early morning shot over the lake. I sent it to Connie who wanted a sunrise photo of the lake to use as a background on her phone.

We could tell the weather was getting hotter and muggier, so we were sorry to leave the lake, but Bob and Sandy are both a bit under the weather. Bob still recovering from the pacemaker implant and Sandy feeling weak this morning from a late night bout of political discourse with her favorite socialist. That would be me.

July 3, 2010

Just outside of Bob and Sandy's cove at Tellico are three silos, remnants of the farmland flooded when they dammed the Tennessee River to make this lake. It's fun to watch the people swim down under the water to get inside the silos, then climb up to the top and jump.

Robby just watches. Even Ross has never done this, but maybe that's because he only has been to Loudon once or twice.

July 2, 2010

Sandy said she hadn't baked a cake in forever, and she had NEVER used canned frosting. Until now! She was kind to bake Robby this early 18th birthday bundt cake, and he loved the canned frosting. Not sure he's ever tasted anything else. :) I couldn't get him to hold up 18 fingers and toes, but that's probably just because he's not technically 18 yet.

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