Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 6-9

July 9

My friend Janet and her daughter Jesslyn preparing for their Tiki party by mixing one of several rum drinks. The party was a big success - about 50 women, many in grass skirts and leis. I think Janet was surprised that so many of her invitees were actually in town in the dog days of summer, but she throws a great party. Terrific pork and pineapple tacos, her special spicy shrimp on the grill, and lots of happy chatter!

July 8

Had to snap this photo in my car - we hardly ever see the thermometer in triple digits here! The 75% humidity on top of that makes for pretty miserable weather. Mayor declared a heat emergency and air quality warning.

July 7

Snapped this picture of the sun coming through the trees at Redbird Hollow just before meeting my friend Karla for a walk. This is a great horse/dog/people trail in the woods of Indian Hills. Round trip about three miles maybe. We had a great walk.

July 6

Terrible photo, but that is the one and only Carlos Santana onstage at Riverbend. Woody and I braved the heat and humidity. Totally worth it.

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